Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Little Restaurant in Desa Seputeh


Oh's sorry, late to said selamat hari raya,cause my broadband
have some problem but all right now..
School holiday today, boring at home ..
erm .. Most of the people should have the online facebook
My dad asked us to eat seafood ? Of cause, I am sure that i wanna go. .
with my boyfriend to go. . Came to this small restaurant (小小饭店). .
But I do not think there are smaller, hehe. .

it located in desa seputeh and it near the old airport..

Wow. . Looked at here very big fish. .
the boss said the fish name as "cant forget (忘不了)" .
Do not know the name of taking is memorial somethings
or is really called cant forget..blur blur...

Environment is beautiful. . There are a lot of carp. .

My husby

Order some dishes..

this claypot of rice is cooked with crab..
taste like claypot chicken flavor juz rm49..

Salt fried squid

Steamed prawns

Cha Siew. . This cha siew is limited edition. .haha
tasty oso but for me, a little fatty. .

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