Sunday, November 7, 2010

Car Photo Shooting

This was my 1st time photo shooting with car...
Early morning need to wake up at 8am..So tired...
luckily,my friend Adrian always chit chat with me
(avoid to feel sleepy) when we are on the way going to
putrajaya..Weather so hot and bright sunshine..

I'm feel burn out oso..hehe..
Picture taken by photographer william n ah keat..
The picture havent ps my face n body la..Juz the light
make it more contrast..

More picture will be upload soon..Car photo shooting is more
nice then the personal photo shooting..hehee..bcoz no nid pose
too much..But anyway,thanks for Adrian,william n ah keat...


  1. Dennis Leong Ting YaoNovember 23, 2010 at 1:30 AM

    no more picture dy? cause I knw the owner of the car..........

  2. Got..but they havent edit yet..hehe...^^
